Michelle Old, AIA, a member of Kirksey’s design team, has been named a YAF Emerging Voices Architect and attended the opening reception exhibit last Thursday night at the Architecture Center of Houston. Young Architects Forum, an organization through AIA Houston, hosts the Emerging Voices Exhibition which features the work of young architects in Houston who have received licensure within the last ten years. This event allows the opportunity for young professionals to showcase their work (both architectural and non-architectural) to be on display for the Houston design community.
“I feel honored to showcase what I consider personal and professional art,” said Michelle. Through an extensive application process, architects are invited to submit a variety of creative works — everything from photography to artwork, sketches, working drawings and renderings. The exhibit is juried and curated by leading Houston architects.
YAF Emerging Voices Website
Architecture Center Houston
315 Capitol, Ste 120
Houston, TX 77002
Exhibit Dates
March 3, 2016 – April 29, 2016
Gallery Hours
Monday - Thursday, 9a - 5:30p
Friday, 9a - 3p