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Licensing Statement
The Texas Board of Architectural Examiners, P.O. Box 12337, Austin, Texas 78711-2337 or 333 Guadalupe, Suite 2-350, Austin, Texas 78701-3942, (512) 305-9000, www.tbae.state.tx.us, has jurisdiction over individuals licensed under the Architects' Registration Law, Texas Civil Statutes, Article 249a. Although Kirksey employs multiple licensed professionals, the firm provides the following information for those referenced herein: John M. Kirksey, FAIA, Texas Registered Architect (TRA) Number 5236; Randall Walker, AIA, TRA Number 9118; Wesley Good, AIA, TRA Number 14155; Benito Guerrier, AIA, TRA Number 15529; Brian M. Malarkey, FAIA, TRA Number 16875; David McLemore, AIA, TRA Number 17533; Brian Richard, AIA, TRA Number 18586; Janis Brackett, AIA, TRA Number 17549; and Stephen Durham, AIA, TRA Number 15134.Kirksey meets the requirements for the Transparency of Coverage Act
Kirksey Architecture 6909 Portwest Drive Houston Texas 77024 telephone 713 850 9600